3 Simple Reasons Why Your Marriage Might End In Divorce


3 Simple Reasons Why Your Marriage Might End In Divorce

How quickly the honeymoon period ends and spouses find themselves questioning why they got married. Perhaps you find yourself wondering the same thing. It’s sad to see marriages end in divorce. I don’t care what the circumstances are someone always gets hurt in a divorce. Are you a little worried about the state of your marriage? I truly hope that you are not just worrying but doing something about the state of your marriage, before it’s too late.

So what is divorce like? Well, I lived through it as a child and I have seen it through the eyes of a brother who went through a divorce. As a child I was so young it was difficult to understand. All I knew was that my Dad was gone. I was pretty sure that after that experience my siblings and I would never get divorced. Well, I was wrong and seeing the painful impact my brothers divorce has had on my niece and nephews is heartbreaking.

Why do couples get divorced anyway? Why are you thinking about separating or divorcing? I don’t have a crystal ball to tell you for sure but here are 3 reasons why your marriage might end in divorce.

  1. You don’t like each other anymore. Very simply when you grow apart over the years you begin to get annoyed by little things your spouse does. This could easily lead you avoid hanging out together or spending any quality time together. It’s hard to stay around anyone who you dislike.
  2. No commitment by one or both spouses. If you or your spouse is not committed to the marriage then it could easily fail. Lack of commitment sends a signal to the committed spouse that it’s not worth trying. When you aren’t committed, your actions and words reflect it.
  3. You cheat on your spouse. Cheating is not always having and affair. Cheating could mean that you spend all of your time at work and ignore the needs of your spouse.

There are many reasons why folks get divorced. The good news is that you don’t have to get divorced. You can beat the odds and live happily ever after.

Please take the time and read through some of the advice on the Help In Marriage site. Marriage is not always easy but is possible to have a great marriage as well as save a bad marriage.


How quickly the honeymoon period ends and spouses find themselves questioning why they got married. Perhaps you find yourself wondering the same thing. It’s sad to see marriages end in divorce. I don’t care what the circumstances are someone always gets hurt in a divorce. Are you a little worried about the state of your marriage? I truly hope that you are not just worrying but doing something about the state of your marriage, before it’s too late.

So what is divorce like? Well, I lived through it as a child and I have seen it through the eyes of a brother who went through a divorce. As a child I was so young it was difficult to understand. All I knew was that my Dad was gone. I was pretty sure that after that experience my siblings and I would never get divorced. Well, I was wrong and seeing the painful impact my brothers divorce has had on my niece and nephews is heartbreaking.

Why do couples get divorced anyway? Why are you thinking about separating or divorcing? I don’t have a crystal ball to tell you for sure but here are 3 reasons why your marriage might end in divorce.

  1. You don’t like each other anymore. Very simply when you grow apart over the years you begin to get annoyed by little things your spouse does. This could easily lead you avoid hanging out together or spending any quality time together. It’s hard to stay around anyone who you dislike.
  2. No commitment by one or both spouses. If you or your spouse is not committed to the marriage then it could easily fail. Lack of commitment sends a signal to the committed spouse that it’s not worth trying. When you aren’t committed, your actions and words reflect it.
  3. You cheat on your spouse. Cheating is not always having and affair. Cheating could mean that you spend all of your time at work and ignore the needs of your spouse.

There are many reasons why folks get divorced. The good news is that you don’t have to get divorced. You can beat the odds and live happily ever after.

Please take the time and read through some of the advice on the Help In Marriage site. Marriage is not always easy but is possible to have a great marriage as well as save a bad marriage.


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